Environment, Health & Safety

Environment, Health & Safety
Ragnar is dedicated to high standards of ethical and transparent business practices. The health and safety of employees and contractors, as well as environmental management and engagement with local communities is central to its business.

The company is committed to compliance with all environmental laws, regulations and permit conditions of the Australian and Scandinavian countries where it operates and is always seeking to continuously improve their environmental performance.
Ragnar understands the importance of :
- Integrating environmental and high standards of rehabilitation into exploration activities
- Liaising with government bodies, statutory authorities, local communities and environmental management groups to maintain a proactive stance on environmental and community issues
- Facilitating and encouraging the education of employees and contractors in relation to their roles and responsibilities in environmental management
- Undertaking regular monitoring, audit and review of Ragnar’s environmental procedures and practices
- Being a valued member of its host communities by proactive community engagement policies and capacity building by employing local contractors and consultants where possible, among other activities.